Students First Fund

Your support is critical to student success.

Give to Support Central Students

Make a gift to CWU's unrestricted annual giving fund, Students First Fund, today and help support student scholarships, academic programs, and student success–putting students’ needs first. Your support ensures that Central Washington University remains a place where education shapes exceptional people.

Thanks to the help of loyal donors, we have been able to take care of many CWU students in their time of need. Unfortunately, there are still hundreds of students waiting for aid. Your support of CWU and Central students helps us deliver transformative education to current and future Wildcats.

When you give back, you help put students’ needs first and help change lives every day. You can offer your support by making a gift today, or by sharing this page to your social media to let your friends and family know that this is a cause you care about.

Help us support as many students as possible by donating and spreading the word today.